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A mountain regardless of its height may because of its accompanying river or lake water but any water with selenium (Se)is sure to be healthful for us despite of its depth. Enshi Autonomous Prefecture of Hubei Province (PRC),inhabited with the scenic Miao villages, is renowned as the Capital of selenium for its natural springs with rich selenium.

The western area of Hubei Province is typical of its mountains and hills with abundant natural water resources enriched with various mineral elements as selenium,zinc,potassium,sodium etc.,which can be effective in detoxing and controlling cancer. The spring water,being drilled out from 500 meters underground, looks sparklingly crystal-clear and translucentyour thirst would immediately disappear at the sight of the water. The spring water you taste is cool and sweet-flavoredespecially good for both your physical and mental health.

In short,the Capital of selenium is exclusive to Enshi.Its selenium is the Natures bestow for human health. All of us staff members in our company are always ready to offer our refined rich selenium water, in bottles or in buckets,trying to make your life still healthier.

Wishing you constantly remind yourself: Drink with selenium!



Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved 版权所有:利川市苗仙富硒泉水有限公司
电话:0718-7215200 公司地址:湖北省恩施州利川市柏杨坝镇大堰村5组